Early Care and Education
Welcome to Story Time! These are some of our group's current favorite books:
"Alphonse, That Is Not OK to Do!"
by Daisy Hirst
Available on Amazon
1 copy at the Logan-Hocking library
Click HERE to open a new window for watching this video
This book is excellent for sparking social-emotional discussion.
How did Natalie feel when she found Alphonse eating her book?
Have you ever tried drawing when you were feeling upset?
How did Alphonse "fix" Natalie's picture?

Related family activity: Collaborative Drawing
One person begins a drawing, then another person adds to it. This activity is flexible! It can be done one-on-one or in a group, with one drawing at a time or several. The drawings can become funny or serious, play in the way that works best for your family!
Did your family try it? We would love for you to share about the experience on our Facebook page!
"Giraffes Can't Dance"
by Giles Andreae and Guy Parker-Rees
Available on Amazon
2 copies at the Logan-Hocking library
Click HERE to open a new window for watching this video
We are giving away a copy of this book! Please visit our Project Grow page and enter to win before 12/16/17
Related family activity: Dance Party
Put on some music and dance! Take turns selecting the music. Notice how different tempos cause change in your movement. Which song is your favorite? Why? Try to copy each other's moves. This activity is sure to bring about laughter and physical activity.
Did your family try it? We would love for you to share about the experience on our Facebook page!
"Billy Bloo is Stuck in Goo"
by Jennifer Hamburg and Ross Burach
Available on Amazon
3 copies at the Logan-Hocking library
Click HERE to open a new window for watching this video
Related family activity: Make "Goo" (Slime)
At Kinder Beginnings, we had lots of fun turning the idea of this book into a hands-on activity! Make your own "goo" by following this recipe:
Basic Glue and Liquid Starch Slime
You will need:
* 1/4 cup of water
* 1/4 cup of white craft glue (like Elmer’s glue)
* 1/4 cup of liquid laundry starch
* Food coloring (optional)
* Mixing bowl
* Mixing spoon
1. Pour all of the the glue into the mixing bowl.
2. Pour the water into to the mixing bowl.
3. Mix the glue and water together.
4. Add food coloring – about 6 drops.
5. Now add the liquid starch and mix it in.
6. It should be nice and blobby by now. As you play with your slimy concoction, it will become more stretchy and easier to hold.
7. Explore your slimy creation and store it in a zip bag when you are not using it.
Did your family try this activity?
We would love for you to share about the experience on our Facebook page!
"Frog on a Log?"
by Kes Gray and Jim Field
Available on Amazon
1 copy at the Logan-Hocking library
Click HERE to open a new window for watching this video
We also love the sequel to this book, "Dog on a Frog?"
by Kes & Claire Gray and Jim Field
Coming soon to our story time page!
Related family activity: Musical Chairs / Rhyming Chairs
Play in the usual way, or for older children who grasp the concept of rhyming words, play Rhyming Chairs!
Set up chairs like you would for the traditional game. As people move around the chairs, keep up a steady stream of rhyming words. It is okay to use silly made-up words to make a rhyme. When a word is said that does not rhyme, everyone sits down. Just as with the traditional game, the one without a seat is eliminated, another chair is removed, and then play continues with the next rhyming sequence.
Source: Rhyming Musical Chairs from Ready Set Go!
Did your family try it? We would love for you to share about the experience on our Facebook page!